Irish Theatre Group

Pre-Feats Showcase (12-13 May ’07)

Pre-Feats Showcase

The American Theatre Company, English Comedy Club and Irish Theatre Group present 

Pre-Feats Showcase 

12-13 May 2007

ATC presents Renaissance Farces

adapted by Joseph Strick, directed by Christine Marchand-Long

Three sixteenth century faces: ‘The Anatomist’ – an old man who should know better than to chase young girls gets the fright of his life; ‘The Trial of Sister Bigass’ – nocturnal carryings-on in a convent; ‘Tarabin’ – the scheming servant receives his just retribution.

ITG presents Boom

written and directed by Vicent Eaton

Three people get together to plot to blow up the world. Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom. They succeed.

ECC presents Faust

written by Christopher Marlowe, directed by Steve Challens

Marlowe’s Faust tale re-told. The story of a man and his deal in selling his soul to the Devil. A myth that still resonates in today’s society.


Performances: 19.00, 12-13 May 2007 at the British School of Brussels, Leuvensteenweg 19, 3080 Tervuren


ITG: Quintessence (27 Nov-1 Dec ’07)

Quintessence - an evening of Synge & Yeats

‘Quintessence’, an evening of Synge & Yeats


The next ITG production is ‘Quintessence’ is an evening of drama by two giants of the Irish written word: J. M. Synge & W. B. Yeats.


A young girl elopes with the man she loves and hopes to escape her destiny.

An old woman mourns her sons.

A suspicious husband sets a trap for his wayward wife.

Two tramps wander through a ruined house between time and eternity.

Experience the hauntingly powerful quintessence of Irish drama from 27 November to December 1. Tickets cost 16 euros (or 12 euros for students or groups of 20 or more).

ITG: Max Dix, Zero to Six (12-19 April 2008)

Five Monologues

The evening begins with a series of five newly written monologues dealing with the themes of love, parents, pets, death, writing conferences and bad kisses.  Alternatively melancholic, humorous, compassionate and graphic, they are unsentimental confrontations with the passing of life.

Max Dix, Zero to Six

The second part of the evening is a new one-act play which will also be the ITG’s FEATS 2008 entry at Stockholm in May, “Max Dix, Zero to Six” (previously known under the working title “Before, before, and then, and then”).  The play follows a boy from the moment of his birth to age six years.  Since the play is about a family, it deals with mystifying terror, confusion, hopes, dreams, domestic violence, jokes, big and little brothers, while swerving from the hilarious to the tragic.  The story is framed by Max, who struggles to become who he thinks he should be, while the adult world tries to shape him into something else.  An urge toward transcendence infuses the production.  Performers include two newcomers to the Brussels theatre scene, but not to theatre, Hilary Barry and Mehran Khalili, and three well-regarded Brussels performers, Roisin Dore, Isabel Walsh and Eduardo Aladro-Vico.


This is the eighth or ninth production written by Vincent Eaton to receive its premiere in Brussels.  His last production, “BOOM”, represented the ITG at FEATS 2007, and took home a production prize.  He is a writer, video director and performer.

Tickets are €12 (€10 on preview nights). For further details on the play and to book your tickets, visit



ITG: Some Blue Horizon (3-7 June 2008)

Liz has a problem – her credit cards bills get delivered personally by a bailiff; Elizabeth has a problem – she wants to stop her PhD and leave college; Dearbhal has a problem – it isn’t easy after all being a single mother, sexy – and an evangelical Christian. But all the problems fade into insignificance beside Brian’s – global warming, drought in Africa, tidal waves and special collapse. But what if getting to grips with his problems just makes everyone else’s immeasurably worse? Some Blue Horizon is a bitter, funny glance at what might happen if someone really took their fears in hand and did something about them.

Andrew McIlroy has adapted and directed many plays in Brussels, most notably Three Sisters, Hedda Gabler and Tartoof! (after Molière). He recently won a Channel Four Radio Play Award with ‘The Interpreter’ ; his short stories have been short listed for the prestigious Bridport Prize and the F.E. MacManus Short Story Award. 

ITG: Dancing at Lughnasa (24-29 Nov 2008)

The Irish Theatre Group is delighted to invite you to Nick Roche’s upcoming production of the Brian Friel play


‘Dancing at Lughnasa’


Monday 24 November – Saturday 29 November 2008 at 8pm

Warehouse Studio Theatre, Brussels

Tickets €14


“Ballybeg is off its head, I’m telling you”, says Kate, the prim, repressed head of the Mundy spinsters’ household, as she returns from shopping bearing tales of the forthcoming harvest dance and the fever of excitement it has ignited in the local town. When the five sisters themselves become deranged by the throbbing dance music which suddenly erupts from Marconi, their ‘goddamn bloody useless’ wireless set, we are launched upon a spiral of events which will transform the family home for ever. 

Through the reminiscences of the middle-aged narrator, Michael, we share the wonder and bewilderment of his 7-year-old self, the illegitimate son of the youngest Mundy sister, as he relives the return of his Uncle Jack after 25 years in Africa and two unannounced visits from his father, a feckless charmer, just some of the convulsions unloosed by the summer of 1936. 

Friel’s masterpiece combines a celebration of the human capacity for joy and passion with an aching expression of regret at the unfulfilled yearnings we all carry within us.

Come and enjoy a life-enhancing theatrical experience.