ITG: Getting to Here (17,21 Oct)

Auditions 17/10 + 21/10

Our Spring 2016 production is Getting to Here by Lisa Ní Laoire.

This is a new piece of writing for the ITG where, from very personal perspectives, we look back over some of the key events of the 100 years which separate us from Easter 1916.

Casting both a cold eye and a tender eye on Ireland…more accurately, lending an ear to the histories and herstories of how we got to where we are now.

We use the voices of Ireland to recount the personal tales which, taken together, tell us something truthful about the short but poignant history since the proclamation of the Irish Republic a century ago.

With story-telling, audio-visual flash-backs and theatre, we explore and preserve some of the more notable transitions in Irish history.

We take a look at where we are now and how we got here.


Auditions will be held:

Sat 17th October 2-5pm @ The Warehouse 
(please plan to attend for the full session)

Wed 21st October 7:30-10pm @ The Warehouse 
(please plan to attend for the full session)

Rehearsals will begin in November and will vary from one to two weekday evenings and one weekend afternoon.

The production run of Getting to Here is scheduled for 12-16 April 2016

Please send any questions you might have to


Narrator (Male/Female) 30 – 40:
Articulate, confident and charismatic. Has strong stage presence. An all-rounder.

Teacher (Male) 30 – 45:
Erratic, wild, miserable  and a touch eccentric. He can’t understand why he became a teacher, which is reflected in his every action.

Student (Female) 23 – 35:
Confident, loud and slightly disturbed. Has experienced too much, too soon without much adult nurturing and as a result has become inconsistent in her speech and defensive about everything.

Church keeper (Female) 48 – 65:
Solemn, reflective and strong willed. Well composed and unshaken by others.

Mother (Female) 55 -65:
Contrary, sarcastic and always right. She is unintentionally funny and often out of touch with anything her children or husband are saying.

Father (Male): 55-65:
Grumpy, defensive and argumentative. He is usually lost as to what is going on and ends up as the butt of every joke.

Daughter (Female): 25-35:
Solid character with a strong personality but often quiet. Has had to fight for her voice to be heard.

Son (Male): 25 – 35:
Class clown and a mammy’s boy. Though generally playful and upbeat he has a dark secret.

Politician 40 – 65 (Male):
Over the top, arrogant and sleazy. BIG personality. Always appears to be shouting when he’s talking. A smile permanently painted on his face

Beauty Queen (Female) 25 – 45:
Diverse role to play with buckets of personality. Extremely extroverted, loves to be the centre of attention.