Author Archives: stephenchallens

BSS: Henry V (25-29 June, 2019)

A history play by William Shakespeare
Directed by Stephen Challens

Henry is king now. His days of mischief and hanging around with his roguish friends are over. He now carries the huge responsibility of leading his armies in a war against France and living up to his father’s memory.
It’s a whirlwind of emotions, strategy, distrust, hope and growth.

To top it off he even has to find time for love.

Part of the 1st Annual Shakespeare Summer Festival, come see this play in combination with ‘Mopsa and Dorcas Hit the Town’ / ‘Nadir Nachtmerrie’ and enjoy our Shake-your-Spear Sunday Social as a fun extra.

Venue: Balsamine Theatre, Avenue Félix Marchal / Felix Marchallaan 1, 1030 Schaerbeek
(Very close to Dailly)

googlemap of venue location

Tickets via
17 euros for single tickets, 15 euros for under 18s and groups (5+)

BSS: 1st Annual Brussels Shakespeare Summer Festival (20-29 Juin, 2019)

One ticket, three plays and our Sunday Shakespeare Festival Day!

Get a lovely dose of theatre just before the summer break.

The first week enjoy the double feature of original plays ‘Mopsa And Dorcas Hit the Town’ and ‘Nadir Nachtmerrie’. The second week the BSS is presenting the classic ‘Henry V’.

During this festival we offer you three different takes on Shakespeare’s plays with ‘Mopsa And Dorcas’, inspired by the characters of the tragedy of ‘A Winter’s Tale’. ‘Nadir Nachtmerrie’ is inspired by one of Shakespeares most popular comedies, ‘A Midsummer night’s dream’, but viewed from the other side of the mirror. This is a tale you know, but not as you know it.
We’re finishing with the history play ‘Henry V’, picking up the story where ‘Henry IV’ stopped.

So with this combo ticket you get a peek into the wonderful world of the Bard.

If this has wet your appetite, come join us on the Shakespeare Sunday Social, for a hopefully sunny afternoon with drinks, food and entertainment.

Mopsa and Dorcas Hit the Town / Nadir Nachtmerrie
Henry V
Shake-your-Spear Sunday Social

Venue: Balsamine Theatre, Avenue Félix Marchal / Felix Marchallaan 1, 1030 Schaerbeek
(Very close to Dailly)

googlemap of venue location

Tickets, including entrance to all three plays, the Shakespeare Sunday Social and one drink,
for 26  euro via (Only 100 combo festival tickets available)

BSS: Shake-your-Spear Sunday Social (23 June 2019)

Master and Mistress,
Quickly come to our event;
Shake your Spear;
Henry a Fifth of wine;
Fall on your Staff;
Nick your Bottom;
the next day, see Doctor Butts.

Dive into the world of the Bard and join us for an afternoon filled with lovely food and drinks and, obviously, a healthy helping of Shakespeare related entertainment.

One of the highlights of our 1st Annual Shakespeare Summer Festival

Venue: Balsamine Theatre, Avenue Félix Marchal / Felix Marchallaan 1, 1030 Schaerbeek
(Very close to Dailly)

googlemap of venue location

Tickets for only 5 euro via