BSS: Mopsa and Dorcas Hit the Town / Nadir Nachtmerrie (20-22 June 2019)

Mopsa and Dorcas Hit the Town
An original play by Patrick Stephenson
Directed by Esther Pozo Vera


They’re full-time doctorate students and part-time pole dancers. They’ve just lost their jobs. But tonight, they’ll start to save the world.
“Hilarious… The Bard would be proud.” – Sarah Crew, Editor-in-Chief, The Bulletin Magazine



Nadir Nachtmerrie
An original play by Stephen Challens
Directed by Esther Pozo Vera

Inspired by William Shakespeare’s tale of A Midsummer Night’s dream, this tale is turned upside down and takes on a darker feel.
Can this play within a play within a play within a play illuminate anything new on this traditional light and funny comedy?
Smiling from the shadows, Puck thinks so.


Part of the 1st Annual Shakespeare Summer Festival, come see this double feature in combination with ‘Henry V‘ and enjoy our Shake-your-Spear Sunday Social as a fun extra.

Venue: Balsamine Theatre, Avenue Félix Marchal / Felix Marchallaan 1, 1030 Schaerbeek
(Very close to Dailly)

googlemap of venue location

Tickets for 13 euro via