ATC Audition (28 June-2 July)

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof

The ATC is holding auditions for its next mainstage show, to be performed at the Centre Culturel Jacques Franck from January 30-February 3, 2024.
Set in Mississippi in 1955, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof by Tennessee Williams is a classic family drama soaking in secrets, recriminations, and booze.
The characters:
Brick, late 20s, a former football star
Maggie, late 20s, his wife
Gooper, mid-30s, his brother, a lawyer
Mae, mid-30s, Gooper’s wife
Big Daddy, 65, the patriarch
Big Mama, the matriarch
Doc Baugh, the family doctor
Reverend Tooker
4 servants (3w, 1m)
Auditions will take place in the Studio Theatre, rue Waelhem 69A (entrance through the gate at rue Waelhem 73) on the following dates:
Wednesday, June 28, 8 pm
Saturday, July 1, 4 pm
Sunday, July 2, 4 pm

To sign up, please contact the director, Carrie Ellwanger, at Please note that American accents (Southern) are crucial for this production.