AUDITIONS for cast will be held:
Thursday 5 November 7pm
Sunday 8 November 12-1pm
Wednesday 11 November 3pm
All at: Rue des Atrebates 27, 1040 Brussels
Very close to Montgomery Metro – Contact Janet for more details
The Real Inspector Hound
Janet writes: The Real Inspector Hound is a wonderfully funny play which I am looking forward to hamming up a bit. I am looking for actors who have either retired from the stage or who have not yet plucked up the courage to perform – as well as some more experienced actors – by allowing the security of lines on stage if this will enhance the actors’ security. How this will happen is secret at the moment!Subject to availability of the cast, rehearsals will be twice a week, and I would like to have at least one of those as an afternoon rehearsal, perhaps both, subject to progress (ie we might need to add a third rehearsal).Characters
Moon – M or F – any age
Birdwood – M
Mrs Drudge – F – older
Simon – M
Felicity – F – any age up to 50s
Cynthia – F – any age up to 60s
Magnus – M – older
Inspector Hound – M or F any age
Radio Voice – M or F
Body – M or F – No lines, just needs to lie still! But this is a comedy …
Other – 6 or 7 people to act as audience.Dinner For One
Hugh writes: Dinner for One is a two handed sketch lasting 18 minutes involving an elderly lady being served dinner by an increasing squiffy butler. The joke’s dependent upon the old lady confusing the butler with her many lovers: the ending is mildly risqué. Its claim to fame is that German TV executives, catching sight of it live in the UK in 1963, thought it would do at a pinch for New Year’s Eve television. Since then it has unaccountably become a part of required German, Swiss, Swedish, Danish, Faroese and heaven-knows where else’s required Hogmanay viewing. Most northern Germans know it off by heart. So funny little sketch or cultural phenomenon, take your pick.If either of If these plays interests you, please come along to audition! Janet and Hugh would be happy to hear from anyone who would like to register their interest or have further information.
Janet writes: The Real Inspector Hound is a wonderfully funny play which I am looking forward to hamming up a bit. I am looking for actors who have either retired from the stage or who have not yet plucked up the courage to perform – as well as some more experienced actors – by allowing the security of lines on stage if this will enhance the actors’ security. How this will happen is secret at the moment!Subject to availability of the cast, rehearsals will be twice a week, and I would like to have at least one of those as an afternoon rehearsal, perhaps both, subject to progress (ie we might need to add a third rehearsal).Characters
Moon – M or F – any age
Birdwood – M
Mrs Drudge – F – older
Simon – M
Felicity – F – any age up to 50s
Cynthia – F – any age up to 60s
Magnus – M – older
Inspector Hound – M or F any age
Radio Voice – M or F
Body – M or F – No lines, just needs to lie still! But this is a comedy …
Other – 6 or 7 people to act as audience.Dinner For One
Hugh writes: Dinner for One is a two handed sketch lasting 18 minutes involving an elderly lady being served dinner by an increasing squiffy butler. The joke’s dependent upon the old lady confusing the butler with her many lovers: the ending is mildly risqué. Its claim to fame is that German TV executives, catching sight of it live in the UK in 1963, thought it would do at a pinch for New Year’s Eve television. Since then it has unaccountably become a part of required German, Swiss, Swedish, Danish, Faroese and heaven-knows where else’s required Hogmanay viewing. Most northern Germans know it off by heart. So funny little sketch or cultural phenomenon, take your pick.If either of If these plays interests you, please come along to audition! Janet and Hugh would be happy to hear from anyone who would like to register their interest or have further information.
Janet: 0495 94 2991 or middletonjanetk@gmail.com
Hugh: 0494 33 7025 or hughjamesdow@gmail.com
We are also hoping to encourage new back stage crew – so if you’ve had a secret hankering to become involved without having to perform on stage, now is your chance to let us know! We will find you someone to help you along the way, so please don’t think you’ll just get thrown in and left to flounder. To register your interest, please contact Janet – or just come along to the AGM.