Green Parrot Productions

Green Parrot: Peter Pan (14 Sept – 8 Oct)

Green Parrot is auditioning for its 2016 performance of Peter Pan the Musical, which will be taking place at the Woluwe Cultural Centre from 17-20 March (six shows).

Auditions will be held at Ter Ijse, Stationstraat 8, 3090 Overijse (2nd floor).

Auditions are open to anyone and no preparation is necessary.

We are looking for a cast of 130 including 10 adult principals and 10 teen/child principals. There are also lots of chorus parts for both adults and children, so come along and enjoy the fun.

For further information visit the audition notice on our website

Green Parrot: Alice Through The Looking Glass (21-24 March 2024)

Green Parrot Productions is delighted to present the official Belgian premiere of “Alice through the Looking Glass“, a new musical by Piers Chater Robinson and Chris Blackwood, directed by Kathy Lemerle, Jenny Clarkson, Klara Poelemans and with musical direction by Vivienne McKay.

Step through the Looking Glass into a wonderland of music, magic and madcap adventure! This fabulous, fun show brings you 12 original songs that you will be humming long after the curtain has closed, witty dialogue and a lot of visual comedy, performed by a large multinational cast of children and adults, and suitable for musical theatre lovers of all ages!

Venue: W:HALLL, Avenue Thielemans 93, 1150 Woluwe-St Pierre

Dates: 21st to 24th March 2024

Tickets available from January 2024 via the website: