By Edgar Lee Masters
Adapted and Directed by Christopher Flores The American Theatre Company is proud to announce auditions for its 2015 FEATS entry: Spoon River Anthology. This American classic is a collection of eloquently and sharply written free-verse epitaphs spoken from the cemetery of the fictional town of Spoon River. Published in 1915, this ground breaking work caused great sensation because of its forthrightness about sex, moral decay and hypocrisy. One hundred years later, Master’s critique and observations of man still resonate deeply.AUDITION DETAILS
If you are interested in auditioning, please prepare one of the epitaphs and email the director. You can obtain a copy of the script by clicking here. The competition will take place from 22-25 May.Profiles
Each actor will be required to play multiple characters. There is no set number of actors for the play and therefore casting will be based on the range each actor is able to display in the audition.4 males
3 females
Adapted and Directed by Christopher Flores The American Theatre Company is proud to announce auditions for its 2015 FEATS entry: Spoon River Anthology. This American classic is a collection of eloquently and sharply written free-verse epitaphs spoken from the cemetery of the fictional town of Spoon River. Published in 1915, this ground breaking work caused great sensation because of its forthrightness about sex, moral decay and hypocrisy. One hundred years later, Master’s critique and observations of man still resonate deeply.AUDITION DETAILS
If you are interested in auditioning, please prepare one of the epitaphs and email the director. You can obtain a copy of the script by clicking here. The competition will take place from 22-25 May.Profiles
Each actor will be required to play multiple characters. There is no set number of actors for the play and therefore casting will be based on the range each actor is able to display in the audition.4 males
3 females
Dates and Location
14 January at 20.00
The Warehouse
Rue Waelhem 73
1030 – Schaerbeek
The Festival of European Anglophone Theatrical Societies (FEATS) is a four-day competitive theatre festival held in different European cities every year. On each of four nights three one-act plays are presented in English by groups from all over continental Europe. The performances are adjudicated by a member of the Guild of Drama Adjudicators (GoDA).