21 October 2015, 8pm
The Bar Room, Rue Waelhem 73, 1030 Brussels
The AGM will be followed by a play reading session of Tom Stoppard’s The Real Inspector Hound – this promises to be a lot of fun! All are welcome to participate, or simply enjoy listening to others read this very funny play.
The committee is always keen to welcome new members, if you feel you would like to be more involved in the running of the club please let one of the committee members know, email our Chair Lyn at chair@ecc.theatreinbrussels.com or just turn up on the night!
To register your intention to come to the AGM, or to ensure your regrets are recorded, please sign up via our Doodle Poll: http://doodle.com/poll/gwxca4vednepdbuu#table
PLEASE NOTE: We are required by law to circulate the minutes of the previous AGM. To facilitate this we have updated the September 2015 Ecco, and you will now find the minutes of the October 2014 AGM and a Nomination Form for officers and members of the ECC Committee for 2015, attached to ECCO here: http://ecc.theatreinbrussels.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/2015-September.pdf. If you wish they can be printed off from this link.