Author Archives: Conrad Toft

BLOC: A Christmas Carol (24-27 Nov 2016)

A Christmas Carol – the Musical
De Kam, Wezembeek-Oppem
24 – 27 November 2016 at the Auderghem Cultural Centre Theatre

Based on the classic by Charles Dickens, written in 1843, Alan Menken’s musical version of the story is true to the original. Grumpy miserly Ebenezer Scrooge will have nothing to do with Christmas as everybody else in London is preparing to celebrate. His late partner, the equally miserly Jacob Marley, appears to him as a mournful ghost and foretells of the visit of three ghosts who will try to reform Scrooge so that he doesn’t end up like Marley. Once shown the error of his ways, Scrooge finally realises that the future ahead is not one he wants and he makes amends. It’s a ghost story about redemption.

Box office already open at

BATS: Jack and the Beanstalk (28-30 Jan 2017)

Can Jack, his Mum, Simon, Daisy the Cow and Flunkit save poor Demelza from a fate worse than death? Will the sneaking, snivelling Slime succeed in bringing the Giant’s foul plan to a successful conclusion, or will Edena the Eco Fairy come to the rescue? .

BATS is delighted to present a classic reworking of the beloved fairy tale, Jack and the Beanstalk, by Ben Crocker, directed by Barry O’Halpin.

Arenberg Schouwburg, Sat 28 January 2017 at 20:15, Sun 29 January 2017 at 15:00, Mon 30 January 2017 at 20:15. Bookings online

BUTT Awards 2017 – Voting is open until 14 September

Better late than never! It’s time to vote in the BUTT awards for the 2016-17 season.

If you have been back-stage or on-stage this season(i.e. mentioned in a programme) you are entitled to vote for your favourites using this online form until 14 September.

This season, we will be having the awards at the opening of the 2017-2018 season on 17 September at Charles Bouchard’s house. Let us know whether you are coming by filling in the details at the end of the voting form above.

If you spot any mistakes in the voting form, please let me know at but note that I’ll be travelling a lot in the coming weeks, so you may not get an immediate response.


ECC: Hugh Dow poetry readings & music (15-16 Sept 2017)

For Those who Know Hugh Dow –   LET’S HAVE A PARTY

Hugh Dow is holding hour-long poetry and music evenings on the 15th and 16th September.

Some of Brussel’s finest actors will be reading poems which have sustained and delighted him over 65 years. The music will be judiciously added, as tonic to gin, for dilution.

To justify the somewhat extravagant title there will be bubbly and small eats after.

To book just call 0475 65 68 51. There will be no admission charge

ECC Panto: Beauty & the Beast (17-19 Jan 2020)

The ECC Panto is back for another year, with Beauty & The Beast, a fun-filled show based on the classic fairy tale. Expect songs and laughter, bad jokes and fabulous costumes, wolves, horses, magical servants, and even a couple of Belgians… and did we mention the bad jokes? Tickets are €16 for adults and €12 for children.

The performances will take place at Auderghem Cultural Centre on Friday, 17 January 2020 (20:00), Saturday, 18 January 2020 (13.30 & 17:00) & Sunday, 19 January 2020 (13.30 & 17:00).

Enjoy plenty of songs, dances, stunning scenery, special effects and superb costumes…topped off by all-round slapstick and silliness. Festive entertainment does not come any better!

Tickets are €16 for adults, €12 for children and are available from

Last year’s panto was almost sold out, so book early to avoid disappointment!

Play Your Part – the show must go on!

Warehouse Studio Theatre

The Warehouse in Schaerbeek is the beating heart of community theatre in Brussels, which has welcomed hundreds of people and projects over its 30 years of use. It now requires essential and long overdue updates. Without them, we fear the curtain will finally come down on this wonderful community project. Play Your Part is your chance to secure the future of the Warehouse for another 30 years. 

Please visit the Play Your Part web site for more information or make a donation.

ECC: Wyrd Sisters (29 Nov, 1 & 3 Dec)

The ECC is getting ready to bring the Discworld to Brussels with its spring 2025 production of Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett, adapted for the stage by Stephen Briggs, and directed by Chris Jones. 

A story of witches, villains, acting and magic that bears more than a passing resemblance to the works of one W. Shakespeare, Wyrd Sisters will be performed at the Warehouse Studio Theatre in Schaerbeek on 30 April, 1-3 May and 6-9 May 2025. 

There are great comedy roles for both men and women, of all ages, with around a dozen principal actors plus supporting characters, and auditions for all roles will be held at the Warehouse Studio in November and December 2024. Rehearsals will start in late January, and will take place on Wednesday and Thursday evenings and on Sunday afternoons.

Fill in the form if you’re interested in taking part in this hilarious adaptation of one of Terry Pratchett’s best-known Discworld novels, in a principal or a supporting role, or as part of the crew. No previous knowledge of Discworld is necessary!

PYP: Christmas Countdown (20 Dec 2024)

‘Tis the season… For Something Jolly with a Tinge of Folly!

Back by popular demand, PYP is hosting our another Christmas bash!

With music, singing, poetry and performances, some of Brussels’ finest, curated by the fabulous Caraigh McGregor, will entertain you with everything thing you need to get your Christmas cheer on.

Bring your own mistletoe !

For seating, there will be 6 cosy tables for upto 4 people on the floor, along with spacious theatre seating for 35 people to book individually. The ‘ticket prices’ are our suggested donation for this fantastic evening! The tables will be for max. 4 people and your donation will include a bottle of red or white for the table, depending on your preference on the day.  The rest of the seating is open.

Celebrating Christmas Together!

all proceeds will go to CAST asbl to continue impoving our facilities

Book your tickets here!

BLOC: All is Calm (6-9 Feb 2025)

Stage Director – James Klarich, Music Director – Matthew Carver

Producers – Barbara Bauer, Alexander Just

All is Calm is a moving musical production that brings to life one of the most extraordinary moments in history. Set during World War I, it recounts the remarkable, spontaneous truce between enemy soldiers on Christmas Eve, when men from opposing sides laid down their weapons and shared songs, stories, and goodwill.

Through captivating a capella music and powerful storytelling, this production offers a poignant reminder of our shared humanity, even in the darkest of times. It is an unforgettable celebration of peace, unity, and hope that resonates across generations.

Tickets available now at The BLOC box office

Post expires on Monday February 10th, 2025

ITG: Stone in his pockets (18-22 March 2025)

A Hollywood film crew arrives in Kerry. They have a film to make.
We’re introduced to a cast of characters who each have a story to tell. Laughter, tragedy, and lemon meringue pies. The stuff of life.

The playwright, Marie Jones, needs no introduction. You loved our previous productions of A Night in November, and Fly me to the Moon

Get your tickets now.

[You won’t recognise our box office: we’ve moved! Tell us what you think.]

Post expires on Sunday March 23rd, 2025

ECC: Wyrd Sisters (29 Apr – 10 May 2025)

The ECC is getting ready to bring the Discworld ® to Brussels with its spring 2025 production of Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett, adapted for the stage by Stephen Briggs, and directed by Chris Jones. 

A story of witches, villains, acting and magic that bears more than a passing resemblance to the works of one W. Shakespeare, Wyrd Sisters will be performed at the Warehouse Studio Theatre, Rue Waelham 69a in Schaerbeek, on April 30, May 1-3 and May 7-10 2025. 

Please note that the May 10 show will be a benefit performance, with all proceeds donated to the Ligue Alzheimer charity. This show will start slightly earlier than usual (18.30 instead of 20.00) and we would like to encourage our audience to come dressed as their favourite Pratchett character – if you feel inspired!

Book your tickets here!

‘Terry Pratchett’ and ‘Discworld’ are registered trademarks

Post expires on Sunday May 11th, 2025

ATC: The Dining Room (18-24 May 2025)

This comedic and poignant play by A.R. Gurney explores moments in the lives of various characters from different time periods, each set in the family dining room. Through a series of seamless vignettes, it examines the evolving dynamics of upper-middle-class families, traditions, and societal expectations.

Directed by Ashley Norman and Aravind Dhakshinamoorthy.

The Dining Room will feature as this year’s installation of Studio Nights from 18 to 24 May at 7:30 at the Warehouse Studio Theatre. Doors will open at 7:00. In addition to a great selection of drinks, the bar will feature an American-themed bake sale of snacks and goodies before and after the show as well as during a slightly extended intermission.

Tickets will go on sale soon! Watch this space, or visit

Post expires on Sunday May 25th, 2025

FEATS (6-9 June 2025)

The 2025 Festival of European Anglophone Theatrical Societies (FEATS) will be hosted by the Hamburg Players at the Altonaer Theater, Hamburg, Germany, 6–9 June 2025. It is four nights of one-act plays, performed in English by 12 groups from all over mainland Europe; a celebration of the artform of theatre and of the community it creates. Each year a different group hosts this four-day event in a different European city, and the Hamburg Players are happy to welcome theatre lovers from all over Europe this year.

At the same time, FEATS is also a competitive theatre festival, as all of the productions are critically watched by an invited adjudicator, who, according to the statutes, must be a member of the Guild of Drama Adjudicators (GoDA).

He or she appraises all 12 productions according to the GoDA rules, and on the last night of the festival, hands out awards for the three best productions as well as for best stage presentation, best actor and best actress. The host goup gives out an award for best stage management. The FEATS rules can be accessed at

As we near the festival, you can find out more information on the FEATS 2025 web site.

Post expires on Sunday June 15th, 2025