ITG: Quintessence (27 Nov-1 Dec ’07)

Quintessence - an evening of Synge & Yeats

‘Quintessence’, an evening of Synge & Yeats


The next ITG production is ‘Quintessence’ is an evening of drama by two giants of the Irish written word: J. M. Synge & W. B. Yeats.


A young girl elopes with the man she loves and hopes to escape her destiny.

An old woman mourns her sons.

A suspicious husband sets a trap for his wayward wife.

Two tramps wander through a ruined house between time and eternity.

Experience the hauntingly powerful quintessence of Irish drama from 27 November to December 1. Tickets cost 16 euros (or 12 euros for students or groups of 20 or more).

ECC: Honour (4-8 Dec ’07)


Award-winning play about the dissection of a marriage seen from four different perspectives – the wife, the husband, the mistress and the daughter.  Author Joanna Murray-Smith won her first of two Premier Literary Awards with Honour, written in 1995 and now translated into 20 languages.   Lyn Wainwright takes the role of Honor which has been played by Meryl Streep, Diana Rigg, and for which Eileen Atkins won an Olivier for her London performance.  Both Martin Jarvis and Corin Redgrave have played George which will be played by Philip Deeks, with Sara Murray as Claudia and Jennifer Rankin as Sophie.

Payment may be made by bank transfer to the English Comedy Club 310 0627727-29.  Proof of payment is required when collecting tickets and the name of the person collecting the tickets should be given on the transfer slip or computer printout.  We reserve the right to sell unpaid tickets at the Box Office 15 minutes before curtain up.

ATC: The Compleat Works… (22-31 Jan 08)

The Compleat Works of Wllm Shkspr (abridged)
Written in the style of Reader’s Digest, acted like Monty Python and performed at the speed of a minute waltz. If you’re feeling blue after the turkey and presents, come and burn away some of the post-holiday blues with a night of high-energy comedy.
Performances will take place at 8pm on 22-24 January and 27-31 January 2008
at the Warehouse Studio Theatre, Rue Waelhem 69a, 1030 Schaerbeek.
Tickets cost 15 euros (13 euros for groups of 10 or more Tuesdays to Thursdays).