ECC: Move Over Mrs Markham (2-13 Oct 2012)

ETCetera asbl presents
“The Night of the Tribades”:* a play about Strindberg by P.O. Enquist (performed in English, translation by Gunilla Anderman)
“Den starkare” (The Stronger): a short one act play by August Strindberg (performed in Swedish with English surtitles)
Per Olov Enquist’s first play, “The Night of the Tribades”, about Strindberg and his first wife Siri von Essen, became an international success. It is a play about a playwright rehearsing a play, “The Stronger”, inspired by his own life, and the layers of truth and fiction succeed each other.
Calendar Girls
by Tim Firth, based on the Miramax film
Puzzling their husbands, mortifying their children and riding the wrath of the outraged WI, they spark a global phenomenon. But as media interest snowballs, the Calendar Girls find themselves exposed in ways they’d never expected, revealing more than they’d ever planned. A very English story with a very English heart, Calendar Girls is quirky, poignant and hilarious.
Adapted by Tim Firth from the Miramax film of the same name, it is based on an uplifting and very inspiring true story.
Performances on 24, 25, 26, 27 (20.00) and 28 (15.00) October 2012 – Tickets are €15 (€13 for students and >65)
“The Tragedy of Richard II” chronicles the overthrow of the young King Richard by the future King Henry IV. The downfall and humiliation of Richard, though his own fault, shows the limits of a king’s power, as well as the loyalty of his subjects and friends. It is one of the most beautifully written of Shakespeare’s plays and features many oft-quoted speeches, and soliloquies”.
Richard II was be staged at Scarabeus Theater (Rue Creuse), November 27-December1, 2012
The ECC presents
Presumption by Sheffield group Third Angel
Directed by Malinda Coleman
The Wareouse Studio Theatre, 4-8 December 2012 – 8.15pm
What happens in a relationship after hearts have stopped racing, the honeymoon is long over and you settle down to ordinary life? Presumption, an original, innovative theatre piece devised by Sheffield group Third Angel, is a relationship play with a difference. Intriguing for theatre lovers, the play weaves between the fictional relationship of the characters and the collaboration of two performers who start out on an empty stage…
With Tania Rabesandratana and Yorgos Filippakis.
Performances are Tuesday 5th of February to Saturday 9th at 8pm, with a matinée at 2pm on Saturday the 9th at Theatral Espace Scarabaeus (map).
Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice” is a wonderful and complex piece of theatre which confronts such current human issues as love, hate, prejudice, and above all, religious intolerance, the fear and distrust of the “other”. Money and debt are central themes in this play.
The plot revolves around a Venetian merchant who can’t repay a loan from a hated moneylender. Bassanio needs money because he has spent all his fortune and is in debt everywhere especially to Antonio, who has bailed him out on more than one occasion before. He asks Antonio again for more money (a business deal, an investment, a way to recoup his losses) to finance his pursuit of the rich Portia. If he wins her he can restore his fortunes and pay off all his debts.
Antonio’s own wealth is tied up in ships heading back to Venice. He raises the money for Bassanio by borrowing from Shylock, a Jewish merchant he has previously refused to do business with. Shylock loans the money because he wants Antonio above all people to be indebted to him because for once he will be on an equal basis with him.
Antonio’s fleet is wrecked at sea and the once-rich man becomes unable to repay this debt. Shylock is contemptuous of him as well as furious – Antonio’s superiority over Shylock is at an end. On discovering the elopement of his daughter with a friend of Bassanio’s his hatred for Antonio and all Christians, and his desire for revenge, turns him to the bond – the ‘security’ he demanded for Antonio’s loan – a pound of flesh to be taken from Antonio.
This production is set in late 1920’s Venice and Belmont and the main characters are all in some way connected to the Mafia. The Duke being the head of the mafia and the ultimate dispenser of “justice”. Setting it in the late 1920s gives an opportunity to reflect on the very
Box Office e-mail: bss.boxoffice@gmail.com – Telephone help line: 0488 631 836
Calendar Girls is based on the film of the true story of a remarkable group of women who decided to raise £500 to replace the sofa in the visitors’ room of the cancer ward of their local hospital: by producing a calendar with a difference. Instead of a calendar of spectacular local views, they produce a calendar with spectacular views of the locals!
This funny, but very moving play follows the changes this modest plan brings to the lives of these women. We follow them as they confront their fears and deal with the consequences of their success.
In fact, to date, the ladies have raised over £3 million for Leukaemia Research in the UK, and many other charities have benefited by following their lead.
The English Comedy Club is proud to follow their example and will be donating at least €2 from each ticket sold to Fondation contre le Cancer in Brussels.
Time: 8 pm , 12-16 March 2013, 3 pm 16 March 2013
Ticket Price: €16
To book go to: http://ecc.theatreinbrussels.com
CAFE THEATRE: April 17-20 (7pm buffet, 8pm show)
Maison Blanche, 506 Chaussée de StJob, Uccle/Ukkel
Click here to buy Café Theatre tickets
A three-part evening of drama, comedy, good food and drinks!
Part One: “Ted, Rose” – a one-act play by Matthew Snoding (Winner of the ATC Playwriting Competition 2012)
It’s been a surprise party for Rose’s 10th wedding anniversary, but more surprises lay in store when she and her husband clean up the mess . . . Is it time to re-evaluate the past, and question the future?
Part Two:
Proudly presenting the Brussels Singers!
Part Three:
Improv Comedy – laugh until it hurts!
CAFE THEATRE: April 17-20 (7pm buffet, 8pm show)
3-4 May 2013 – Warehouse Studio Theatre
Williams wrote over 70 one-act plays in addition to such full-length classics as The Glass Menagerie, A Streetcar Named Desire and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
27 Wagons Full of Cotton, “a Mississippi Delta comedy”, was his twentieth one-act play, written in 1946 and set in 1934 against the background of President Franklin Roosevelt’s “good neighbour” policy.
It follows the story of a cotton gin owner, Jake Meighan (Andy Blumenthal), and his young wife, Flora (Peyton Cimino). When there is a fire in the neighbouring plantation suspicion falls on Jake and the plantation superintendent, Silva Vicarro (Gareth Lewis), comes looking for his own special brand of vengeance.
Tickets: €10 (including one free drink) – Click here to buy 27 Wagons Full of Cotton tickets
The Irish Theatre Group are very excited to announce that the Box Office is now open for our next show, The Importance of Being Earnest, at Palais des Beaux-Arts Studio, running from Tuesday 21st to Saturday 25th May. Tickets can be purchased directly from the from the BOZAR website, by telephone (02/507.82.00) or in person.
Everyone knows (or thinks they know) Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest”. Some of the lines and situations are among the most well known in the theatre world – Lady Bracknell, Algernon, the Honourable Gwendolen Fairfax have become reference figures for artifice, style and snobbery.
Andrew McIlroy’s exciting new take on Oscar Wilde’s classic sparkles, while never losing sight of the dark satire behind the façade of comedy. While the play is certainly a glittering social comedy – it is much more; it is filled with anger, deception and a biting criticism of morals and attitudes. It’s this – this darker underbelly of a much loved classic – that the forthcoming ITG production will seek to explore. It will be fun, noisy, energetic and alternative, Wilde would hopefully have approved.
Our shows normally sell out so book early to avoid disappointment.
We look forward to seeing you there!
This production is supported by the Irish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Visit our website http://www.irishtheatregroup.com/ to keep up to date with our shows and to sign up to our mailing list.
The nominations for the 2012-2013 season BUTT awards are shown below in no particular order, with the winner highlighted in pure gold!