
The 2012-2013 Season

ECC: Move Over Mrs Markham (2-13 Oct 2012)

Mrs Markham lends her flat to Linda Lodge to tryst with her admirer Walter. The decorator is planning to use to same apartment to dally with the au pair. Mr Lodge has persuaded a very reluctant Mr Markham to lend the self-same flat to rendez-vouswith a girl he has not actually met. Into this tranquil scene walks Miss Smythe, important potential customer to Messrs Lodge and Markham, who disapproves of any kind randy behavior. It’s about then things start to get a little complicated…… 

ATC: Arsenic and Old Lace (23-27 Oct 2012)

Quotes about other productions of this play: 
“A delightful comic concoction.” The Guardian
“Good macabre fun. The lines are bright. The story is mad.” The New York Times
“You wouldn’t believe that homicidal mania could be such great fun.” The Sun
In 1941, New Yorkers were looking for some entertainment to take their minds off of the war in Europe and the growing fear that America would be pulled into it. Broadway gave them exactly what they were looking for: Arsenic and Old Lace. The play became an immediate critical and popular success, running for over 1,000 performances. It also became a hit in England in 1942 as theatergoers who were suffering through post-blitz London lined up for tickets. In 1944, Hollywood produced a film version starring Cary Grant that became a huge box office success.
Mortimer is about to propose to his sweetheart when he discovers that his two dear but eccentric aunts poison lonely old bachelors with their elderberry wine and have a number of corpses buried in the cellar. And it gets worse. Throw in one brother who thinks he’s Teddy Roosevelt, another who is a psychopathic killer, plus a slightly intoxicated plastic surgeon, and you’ll be laughing the entire way through.
For more information:http://atc.theatreinbrussels.com
This play is presented by special arrangement with ALMO Auteursbureau Antwerp

ETC: An Evening with Strindberg (6-10 Nov 2012)

ETCetera asbl presents 

An evening with Strindberg
Warehouse Studio Theatre
6-10 November 2012 at 8pm
directed by Anna Holmén

 consisting of two plays:

“The Night of the Tribades”:*  a play about Strindberg by P.O. Enquist (performed in English, translation by Gunilla Anderman)
“Den starkare” (The Stronger): a short one act play by August Strindberg (performed in Swedish with English surtitles)

For bookings, please email tickets.etcetera@gmail.com, or call 0492 64 16 60 if you have any queries.
Tickets: €15; groups of 5+: €13;  groups of 10+: €11€; paid up members (please mention): 13€.

Per Olov Enquist’s first play, “The Night of the Tribades”, about Strindberg and his first wife Siri von Essen, became an international success. It is a play about a playwright rehearsing a play, “The Stronger”, inspired by his own life, and the layers of truth and fiction succeed each other.

“Det förefaller mig som om jag går i sömnen; som om liv och dikt blandats. Jag vet inte om [min pjäs] är en dikt, eller om mitt liv varit det.”
(”I have the feeling that I am sleepwalking, as if life and fiction have mixed. I do not know if my play, or if my life, was just a dream.”)
August Strindberg, 14th November 1887